Andrew->China: Says Hello
Note right of China: China thinks\nabout it
China-->Andrew: How are you?
Andrew->>China: I am good thanks!
participant C
participant B
participant A
Note right of A: Some more\n text can go here
## UML Diagrams
> Easy-as-pie diagrams-as-code
- [Gravizo]( UML inside github
- [mermaid]( UML library - [live editor](
- [JS Sequence Diagrams](
Andrew->China: Says Hello
Note right of China: China thinks\nabout it
China-->Andrew: How are you?
Andrew->>China: I am good thanks!
participant C
participant B
participant A
Note right of A: Some more\n text can go here
## (ab)Use the cloud
> Host everything online for a no-download, one-click experience
**We want to**:
- Remove the barrier of entry to read our presentations.
- Keep everything in a single file for easy sharing (slack, email, etc)
- [Github pages]( Public presentations can be hosted on github pages [for free](
- [Images & gifs]( Upload gif files to a github issue comment and let github store it for you (*warning: always public*).
- [Free CDNs]( serve any file from any public repo from *github* or *npm*
## Putting it all together
> From inception to the cloud
- Dump your thoughts into headers & bullets using markdown (no visual distractions)
- Move into presentation template, split into pages
- Add links/images/screencasts
- Host online & share
- [RevealJS example](
- [RemarkJS example](